Monday, August 18, 2008

Dance of the Jellyfish

Ok so yesterday was the first time in about 20 years that I was caught doing the "jellyfish dance" coined by my co-worker. I was wading in the shallow surf with my nieces when like a flash of lightning...STINGING SENSATION all around my ankles. "Ahhhh!" I screamed and I jumped up and down and ran as fast as possible out of the water.

No heroic praises to me however, for my little 5-year-old niece also got stung and in my own flight of terror, I completely neglected her. (Thankfully my mature, level-headed 9-yr. old niece came to the rescue for her.)

Being stung by a jellyfish could be worse, but isn't something to fear completely. A little vinegar is the trick for calming the burning sensation. And now about 24 hours later, the pain has subsided tremendously, although, I still have that little telltale welt on my leg.

Anyhoo...August on Hilton, humid, potential for hurricanes...and potential for being stung by a jellyfish. I have never done ballet, thus haven't performed in the Nutcracker, but maybe I'd be ok at the "Dance of the Jellyfish."

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