Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yesterday my nieces and sister were in town and my Dad arranged for us to go fishing with Coach Utley, a good friend, former head football coach at Hilton Head High School, and now owner of ... a charter fishing boat that docks off of Charley's Crab on the North end of the island. We went out at 1pm yesterday, right in the middle of the heat of the day and it was dead wind or ocean breeze to cool things off. However, that did not deter us. We headed out and proceeded to have a great afternoon! Coach Utley took us out to Port Royal Sound and was prepared with fishing rods and Menhaden bait, ready to catch some fish.

Well, not more than 10 minutes after the first line was in the water, we got a bite and sure enough...a bonnethead shark! About 3 feet long. Alright...we were fishing! All of us had a smile on our faces and were eager for more. About 5 minutes later...another bite. This time my sister Shelly reeled it in and it was a little black tip shark. Pretty cool.

Well, we continued to fish for about another hour or so, catching about 5 or 6 more black tip sharks. None over 3 feet and all too small to keep (I don't think we would, or could, keep anyways.) But , it was a fun afternoon and entertaining for the girls...well really all of us. And Coach Utely was his happy, cheerful self as always. Great company.

Fishing off of Hilton Head Island...great way to spend the day.

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