Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A new life in Christ Jesus

I graduated from confirmation last night. The event was celebrated in true fellowship with my fellow classmates at our pastor Greg and his wife Meredith's house in sea pines. During the course of the 8 week class we learned how to be and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I found out what is and how to experience God's love and forgiveness, to become like Christ Himself, to strengthen my relationship with God, how to worship, how to have power for living, to understand the church and how to share the truth, which I was asked to do on the spot. I was asked by Greg to share my testimony of how I came to Christ with the class. It is still a strange feeling sharing such a personal experience as that but with God at my side I was able to speak the truth, something I would never do in the past. I would have to say the last 6 months of my life have been incredible. I have turned from being mostly miserable, living for myself and my desires to personally meeting the creator of the universe which has humbled me to the point of crushing my ego. I feel truly loved, able to love others, truly happy and peaceful for the first time in my life. It all began with a simple belief in and surrender to God, His Word and His Son, not much of a cost at all, but the grace I have received is so amazing and far reaching I would have a hard time explaining it here. Grace is God's favor towards us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills. The spirit behind Grace is what we call the Holy Spirit, it is what all baptized Christians are given. The Bible was written through Jesus' disciples who were guided by this spirit. I have found that my affinity toward god and His Word is also due to the Holy Spirit descending on me. I know this because one day I had no interest or ability to read the Bible and the day after I declared belief and surrendered to God it all made sense and I have been following that path ever since. I have been searching the supernatural since I was young by meditation, yoga, massage therapy, Buddhism, accupressure, taoism, toltec and american indian beliefs among others, but at no time did I discover what I was after. It had been right there all along, churches line our streets. I was just so skeptical and didn't see the truth but all it took was a simple prayer and the truth found me. - Jamie

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