Monday, June 22, 2009


Yesterday Tom our associate minister preached on how Jesus "slept, " in the boat during a storm when his disciples were fearful and scared. It was a good sermon reminding us of Jesus' humanity, sleeping, and that because of his humanity it was the only way that he could pay the sin price in full for us.. He had to become completely "us" so that he could forever cancel the law of sin and death and save us...he was the perfect sacrifice that no other sacrifice could atone for.

Well, in addition to this truth being very relevant, I also got from Tom's sermon that Jesus just "rested"...meaning he was relaxed. He had no worries and fears. He was always in tune with the Father and as such, he was free from fear. He knew God was in control. He also knew his Father because he knew scripture inside and out, and as David Jeremiah talked about this morning, this "sword of the spirit" - the Word, was his powerful weapon, especially against the devil who would try even to deceive Jesus - in his humanity, as a person who could have fallen (but didn't.)

For me, knowing that Jesus 'slept,' is like a warm blanket. As Jean at our church once said, a warm blanket of the Holy Spirit. It calms me and relaxes me. It helps me realize that ALL the details in my life are in His full control and I need not fear the "wind and waves ' that toss around my life boat. For example, I had a rough work week last week, but I can confidently rest in Him, knowing that ultimately he has full control.

Also, Jamie said last night that sleeping in a boat is very peaceful. This was a wonderful reminder. Some of the best sleep he has ever had is in a boat. For me, this is a comfort, because Jesus must have also felt this peace, physically, in addition to spiritually. He was peaceful, amidst the tempest...calm amidst the storm.

It was also interesting that Tom's sermon yesterday had scriptural stories of boats and waves and water because I was thinking about Jamie the whole time. Jamie was out fishing and he as I found out later had a glorious day. I am so happy for him and I admire him for catching "epic" fish. He caught grouper, which I am told is a great prize. But Jamie also told me how the seas were rolling--even though it was a beautiful day - about 5 feet up and down. He had gone offshore and an inexperienced person might have feared this motion of the waves. But he did not. He was peaceful amidst the waves...and he had a wonderful day with our Lord & Father.

Ok well after the sermon about how Jesus "slept" yesterday, I heard from Mary Whelchel this morning about how I am "kept". I also needed to hear this because being "kept" means I am secure in Christ no matter what. Even when I fail and am not the Christian woman I want to be, he "keeps me." (Praise the Lord.)

From Mary Whlechel this morning:

"Since I’ve become a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ, my future is in God’s hands. I am kept secure as a child of God because Jesus is keeping me secure. Thankfully, my security doesn’t depend on my performance, because my performance can be pretty shaky! Even though I’m born from above and have been made a new creation in Christ, there are times when I don’t live up to my name. Do you know what I mean?

But the incredible good news is that I am kept secure in my relationship to God because it doesn’t depend on me, it depends on what Jesus has done for me and what he has promised.

For example, in Romans 8:38-39 we read:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "

Thank you Jesus for teaching me to "sleep" and for "keeping" me secure. Amen.

1 comment:

jamie said...

Tom's sermon was excellent.....The kingdom of God is here because He is with us...