I had an absolutely beautiful day with Jamie yesterday. For starters, Jamie came to my house in the morning and picked me up for church. We joined several other friends and a small congregation for a Holy Spirit inspired message from Tom. We are so grateful for our ministers at St. Luke's and for their commitment to the work of the Holy Spirit and the person of Jesus Christ and the headship of our God and Father. It was a blessing to be there and also to see some friends who we have been praying for.
Then, we had no particular plans for the afternoon, but led by the Lord Jamie asked if I'd like to go out on the boat. Of course I was completely excited and my heart leaped for joy. We went back home to both our houses, got ready, Jamie bought provisions and we headed over to the Boathouse. The boat was already in the water, perfect, and it took us just a brief time to get ourselves launched. The adventure began.
It was completely sunny and gorgeous out all day. The wind and a few clouds only picked up a little in the afternoon. Jamie suggested a ride around the whole island and I was thrilled. We headed out Skull Creek, no pressure to do anything but to have fun, and we were both smiling. We turned the corner at Port Royal Sound and headed for the Atlantic and the front of the island. From there, it was a series of quick rides and slow motors, observing the island, watching the small waves and the calm ocean, jumping out of the boat and swimming! and more.
We saw Shay at Juniper Street...Jamie pulled the boat in and we swam ashore and said hello as he launched his Hobie Cat, circa 1982. He is such a waterman, just like Jamie. We talked about sailing in the future, and I would simply love to learn. After visiting for a short while and basking in the surf, we hopped aboard Jamie's boat again, akaTIDEjr, and headed south to Tower Beach.
When we arrived, the wind had picked up a little but it was no bother. Jamie immediately asked if we could try and catch a fish and I was happy, "Of course!" I said. Jamie rigged up two rods he had brought along and we trawled (??) for Spanish Mackerel. There were a few other boats there at South Beach doing the same, in the flushing currents where the Calibogue Sound dumps out into the Atlantic Ocean. It is a haven for fish. Trawl, trawl ,trawl, then zzzzzzzz! The line started spinning and we had a fish on the line! Jamie offered for me to reel it in, which I did. I caught a fish!! Jamie let me catch a fish! The silence was broken! We pulled in a small Spanish Mackerel, so pretty with its yellow spots. About 3lbs. But, we threw it back in because we already had fish in the fridge for dinner at home, from the gigantic Flounder Jamie had caught the day before.
Then we headed our way back to Skull Creek, through Calibogue Sound . Near at the end of our ride, Jamie asked if I wanted to swim again. It was as if he was reading my mind because I was thinking the exact same thing. I wasn't quite ready to call it a day, and neither was he. So, he took us over to Dolphin Head and we pulled up the boat close in to shore. Other boats had done the same and we jumped in again. What fun!
Back at the ranch, after riding in, cleaning the boat (Jamie did) showering up at home, and getting Cocoa, Jamie prepared a delicious dinner and bought Slumdog Millionaire for us to watch. I thought it was a good movie and we both enjoyed it. We played with Cocoa too. I was was happy.
Jamie then said that the only way the day could have been any better was if we would have served someone else. I agree wholeheartedly.
Otherwise, I count my blessings for the day and for the Lord giving me such a man as Jamie to be with. I am honored, thankful and blessed and only wish we had been together for so many years more. It was another amazing day with him that I will never forget. One that he provided. We have had so many.
Thank you Lord for such a man as he; praise the Lord that we share such a God as You.
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