I had an opportunity to be obedient in a recent circumstance, one that I was struggling with being obedient in. But, ultimately, I obeyed (with help and conviction), and so thus this triggered my thoughts here.
God calls his people to a heart and life of obedience. Does this mean that we cannot, "have fun?" No, but it does meant that the fun we have should be in line with Him, and that we do our best to follow along with what He says. God is a God of order, not of disorder. God wants us to live our lives in an orderly fashion in order to bring Him glory and honor and praise.
And in so doing, in being obedient, I find that I have my greatest freedom and happiness in life. Life just IS better when I am following Him, being daily obedient to His call. When I am living "in step" with the Spirit. Then my mind is at peace, and I am not living under condemnation. When I feel like I 'get right' before God I 'get right' with myself and others.
It is supposed to be a part of our love relationship with Christ. He is the bridegroom, we are the bride. It is about that love that spurs us on to be obedient.
When we are 'out of step' with Christ, we become out of step with life and with each other. We don't think clearly, act clearly., etc. We lose trust.
When we act in faith, and follow His leading, we walk in peace and harmony, and in love. And that enables us to, "...do the work He has given us to do, to love and serve others, faithfully administering God's grace."
Am I obedient perfectly? No. But I aim for that goal, in humility, mercy and grace.
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